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Living Culture and Art Museum opened in Mardin

Living Culture and Art Museum is opened in Mardin. In the museum, where the arts such as filigree, coppersmithing, and almond candy unique to the city are presented to the visitors, a performance of ‘Reyhani’ dance show, and ‘Erbane’ concert are given.


Ozgur Gungor, Head of the Mardin Tourism and Hoteliers Association, stated that there was no such organization in the city before, and that it was the first time they had organized it. Stating that the museum is a non-profit organization, “This is an organization that is made to contribute to Mardin’s tourism” said Gungor.

Pointing out that the Living Museum is a long-overdue project for Mardin, Gungor continued as follow:

“We explain Mardin's culture and art to our guests at the same time and under the same roof. We have coppersmith, filigree, and almond candy workshops. Our guests who come here see what coppersmith is, how copper is processed, what filigree is, how it is made, and how almond candy is made. In addition to this, they have the opportunity to see the Reyhan dance show unique to Mardin. The reason we do these is to enable our visitors and tourists to see these professions, this culture, art, and craftsmanship under one roof. Tourists are also really happy. We named it the Living Culture and Art Museum. We have started to receive visitors since September 1."

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