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EnglishDina's mother: I know Turks don't care about skin color

Dina's mother: I know Turks don't care about skin color

Jessica Sandra Makemba Panga, the mother of University student Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga, who was mysteriously found dead 12 days ago in Filyos Stream in KARABUK, spoke to DHA. The mother of the young girl said, “I know that Turks do not care about skin color. That's why I trust them. As long as justice is served. I did not send my daughter into the hands of animals. I sent it to Turkey. Because the Turks have laws that protect all” she said.

Dina's mother: I know Turks don't care about skin color


Dinas mother: I know Turks dont care about skin color

Gabonese Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga found dead in  Filyos Stream on 26 March. Considering the possibility that Dinabongho was taken to the forest by a car, police examined the security cameras and Dina was seen running barefoot on the street in the footages. Police said, Dina's clothes and phone were under criminal investigation. Since Monday, 8 people, including 3 foreigners, who are thought to be connected to Dina's death, have been detained. Of the 8 people, 5 were released after the prosecutor's statement, and 3 were released on the condition of judicial control by the Court.


The Ibouanga family lives in Libreville, the capital of the Republic of Gabon, and banners that read 'Justice for Dina. Rest in peace. Let the earth be light to you' were hung to the family home’s street. The entrance of home was turned into a memorial room, while the table was decorated with photos of Dina with flowers. Dina's mother Mrs Panga said she was welcomed by Gabonese people in Turkey and helped her daughter so much.

Dinas mother: I know Turks dont care about skin color


Stating that her daughter went to the post office again when she learned that her package could not be returned to her, Mrs Panga said, “She got angry when they didnt listen her. They argued harshly. Dina called me and said, 'This has not been good. I'm crying, they don't want to give my phone back because I'm black.”

I told my daughter to ‘calm down.’ On Saturday, my daughter said she needed to apologize to the post office staff for being older than her. In my culture, even if I'm right, I have to go and apologize. I said to my daughter, 'Go with someone.’ She replied to me, 'Mother in the daytime, there is nothing to worry about.’ When she came back after meeting with the postmen, she said to me, 'Mom, I apologized. I had 250 liras, I even offered to pay the taxi fare, but they refused by saying, 'No, no, no,' she said. After that, she met with his Gabonese friends and we talked on the phone until 22.12 and I never heard from my child again. Jeannah was the perfect person. She is not just my daughter, she was like a sister to me. We used to go everywhere together. It is very difficult to seperated from her like this”she said.


Mrs Panga, who wanted justice for her daughter, said, “I know my daughter is not rude, she is a very respectful person. It is said that they do not categorize people according to their skin color. Let  justice be done because we are all human. I sent my daughter to Turkey. I know Turks don't care about skin color. That's why I trust them. As long as justice is served. I did not send my daughter into the hands of animals. I sent it to Turkey. Because Turks have laws that protect all people. I trust the Turks, as long as justice is served. Thank you to everyone who prayed for support from afar. I believe God will help.” (DHA)

Dinas mother: I know Turks dont care about skin color

Dinas mother: I know Turks dont care about skin color

Dinas mother: I know Turks dont care about skin color