Geri Dön
EnglishVisitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors who want to see Turkey's largest military ship, TCG Anadolu, formed meters of queue at Sarayburnu Port on the third day of its opening. Huge interest to TCG Anadolu was also seen from the air.


Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

TCG Anadolu, the world's first SİHA ship and Turkey's largest military ship, opened to visitors at Sarayburnu Port on April 17, and visitors have formed a queue of meters on the path way near the coast. On the 3rd day of its opening, the great interest of those who wanted to see the ship and the Bayraktar TB3, Bayraktar Kızılelma, helicopters and tanks positioned on the ship continued.
Turkish Defence Ministry announced via social media account that the ship will be open tomorrow for visitors.  

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu

Visitors formed meters of queue to see TCG Anadolu